She's here

Long story
Went in for my scheduled induction at 5:30 am but had to sit in a waiting room till 8:30 😑 was still a 2-3 from failed induction at 39 weeks dr elected to try cytotec vaginally before starting pitocin after 4 hours I hadn't changed at all other than contracting on my own every 3-5 minutes so another cytotec was inserted after 3 hours I was a definite 4 dr broke my water and I got my epidural at 3pm pitocin was "started" at 7pm ..... At 9:30pm I was having contractions every minute for 3 or so then skip a minute when my cousin noticed the floor was wet the pitocin had been turned on and running on the floor for 2.5 hours 🙄 no wonder we couldn't get the contractions to get more consistent at 10:15 I was a 7 and was rolled to my side with a peanut ball placed between my knees at 10:53pm I was having strong stabbing contractions breaking through the epidural in my right groin. Nurse checked and I was a 10 dr came in the room and was set up at 10:56pm after 3 pushes Ellie Jean was born at 10:59pm  Â