Breastfeeding and Formula???

My baby will be 6 weeks old on Saturday and since birth I've exclusively breastfeed, which hasn't been easy. I spent the first 3 weeks with cracked nipples and bleeding; her latch wasn't quite right. When the visiting nurse came she helped show me where I was going wrong. I was also trying to pump at least once a day to get a supply for when I do get back to work, but being home alone and trying to pump is hard and trying to pump one side with you feed on the other is impossible for me since I have to use both hands during a feed to support her and the boob. Anyways my SO killed my supply really fast and I just haven't kept up with it. Now I've been really thinking hard about supplementing formula into the picture not always, but for when I want to leave the house and my SO has her or for when I do go back to work and my mother takes her. I still want to keep breastfeeding and eventually start pumping again but this pressure of a constant "are you pumping?" Or "do you have any milk in the freezer for her?" Is really starting to get to me. 
So after all that my real question is is there anyone else out there that does both? And how well does it work for you?