Could it be?!

Hey ladies, just a quick post.
My period is was due 3 days ago, and nothing as of yet (fingers crossed). I've noticed some things, however I am queen of irregular periods, and I know I'm probably just getting my
Hopes up. I've had some constipation which I haven't had before, the day before my period was due I got very down for a couple of days, I have had very vivid dreams, and have no appetite in the mornings, whereas I am usually hungry... I've also had a bit of insomnia, whereas the weeks before I was sleeping very deeply.. I've been under a lot of stress from my placement, and my routine has changed, which probably accounts for my tiredness.. Anyways just wondering Has anybody had
these as pregnancy signs? I always think I am and get my hopes up, so I'm not doing that this time, I've just noticed a few different things... Let me know ladies. Thanks :)