

Hello, I have had some cramps from around ovulation, I am currently 5dpo. They are not constant but comes in waves with nausea. I know this is too early for any pregnancy symptoms as implantation hasn't happened yet or has only just happened. They are often low and feel like af pains but sometimes it is a general abdomen cramp. Any one else had this?

I haven't had any other symptoms really others than feeling generally rubbish and a bit like i am getting a cold.

Also how long does this tww feel?! I have been ttc for 3 months, this is my 4th cycle. Before ttc it feels like your period comes round so quickly but now I am ttc it seems like I am waiting ages to see if I have been lucky this cycle.

Feeling like this cycle is going to be a negative but over a week until I find out for sure.

Any one else feel the same?

Good luck to all ttc.