CROUP and a co-worker.

Katie • Sporting Kansas City, Kansas City Royals, Kansas City Blues-- The City of Champions!
So... Came into the office today and after my coworker briefed me into the desk which took 5 minutes she then told me her voice was bad because she caught her 2 year old's croup. 
UMMMMMM....WHAT?!?!?!  She came into work SICK and contagious with croup! She knows I have a 3.5 month old son and she infected the whole office. If my son gets sick there will be hell to pay. Who does that?? 
She or course said- I hope you don't get it or you'll lose your voice!  Ummmm--- I hope I don't pass it to my son!  Who cares what happens to me, she could be endangering my son's life! 
I'm changed desks and disinfected everything. 4 times. So angry, seriously the nerve! Okay. Rant over.