Month 12 of trying!!!! Finally our BFP

Month 12 of trying and 2nd moth of Clomid and <a href="">IUI</a>. 13 dpo (this was the first day I tested) Beautiful ladies it can happen I promise do not give up!!! Before this cycle I have never even once seen a hint of a line on a pregnancy test. We had unexplained infertility. My husband and I will both be 30 in a few months. The main thing I did different this time is eat pineapple core from 1 dpo until like 10 dpo. I had some twinge cramps that almost felt like a weird cooling sensation about 8 dpo and everytime I stand up I get light headed- those would be my symptoms. My husband is currently golfing and texted me to say he was thinkin about me and if I tested. I had to lie and tell him that I was too scared to test. I would so much rather tell him in person because I have been invisionig this moment for literally an entire year. The second picture is what I will be giving to him (I have also had this for probably 12 months because I knew this was how I would want to tell my golf loving husband if we were ever blessed with a baby).  I have it in a cute little box with the first response❤️ continued good luck ladies!!
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Posted at
So thoughtful hun. Happy for you guys. I know he will be so happy. If you can wait 12 months , I can too


Beth • Jun 11, 2016
Thank you so so much. Absolutely do not give up hope


Posted at
Awe!! So inspiring! I&apos;m starting clomid in a few days. 2 1/2 years TTC and unexplained infertility. Wish me luck! Congrats to you and your husband. Praying for a healthy 9 months!!!🙏👣👶💫


Brittany • Jun 11, 2016
Thank you!!😘


Beth • Jun 11, 2016
Thank you and good luck!!


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Beth • Jun 11, 2016
Thank you so much


Posted at
Congrats love


Beth • Jun 11, 2016
Thank you!!