Small mamas- Help!!

Katelyn • Baby #1 born September 2014 😘 Baby #2 due November 2016 😍
I am seriously struggling to find maternity pants/shorts that fit me. This is my second pregnancy and I STILL can't find any. I have one pair that I bought at Old Navy that fits, but they have an over-the-belly band that gets really uncomfortable the bigger I get. Motherhood maternity has nothing, and even the XS sizes at target are too big. I normally wear a size zero (usually juniors because adult pants just don't fit 😩). Anybody else this small and have any luck finding pants and shorts? I've got some maxi skirts and dresses, but really don't want to live in those this summer (living in Florida). I checked a boutique near me that did have a pair of jeans that fit, but they cost $270!!!!