Time to try again

Hailee • Married my best friend on 8/15/15. Next is making a baby <3
Jume 1st I had a total Thyroidectomy. I went for my follow up with my surgeon Wenesday. bad news.. I will have a scar... horrible news.. it was cancerous.. the cancer spot was so small that they never detected it through the biopsy and all the other tests. Good news.. they got it all. I will obviously have to go for routine checks. I see the endocrinologist on the 22nd and he will further go into detail about what all of this means. I feel like fate was in my hands over this past month.. when I saw the surgeon it was originally because we didn't know what was going on. He had kept saying "I think it's just fatty tissue, you'll be okay." But all in all it is my body and I felt something wasn't right. So we pushed for the biopsy and when those results came back, well we thought we were in the clear.. BENIGN. But at that point it's still up to me. It's causing me infertility, hormone issues, other health issues. And I choose, worry about removal now... or wait a few months? My husband and I decided now. I mean why wait? I'm still told It's nothing. I mean even I thought it was nothing when I read the report. I don't understand the big fancy words. But what if we would have waited? Would it have spread? How long could I have went with cancer and not known it?