Carpel tunnel+icy hot+pregnancy


My carpel tunnel is flaring up and hurting bad today. I googled but can't find a clear answer. I know I know call my doctor 🙄 just figured maybe some of u all may have already asked.

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I used icy hot and bengay on my lower back through most of my second and third trimesters. Doctor told me it was fine. 


Posted at
Kinesiology tape might help. You can check how to apply videos from youtube.


F. • Jun 12, 2016
I'm using it on my pregnancy belly. It helps with my sleep like magic.


Sa • Jun 11, 2016
Interesting! Yeh I have a wrist band that I wear and a lot at night but today just isn't doing the trick! But I checked it out and worth a shot! I like that I can eventually use it in my growing belly! Thanks