
Hello all, im a 16 year old girl that goes to school. At our school we have female and male change rooms, all the girls get dressed in one change room and the boys in the guys change room.
I recently came it about 2 years ago, that I was bisexual. But recently, something happened and I feel so bad. The girls in the change room told the teacher that they feel uncomfortable with me in there because im bisexual and they don't want to be looked at like that. So, the teacher approached me and said that I need to get changed else where or wait for all the others girls to leave the change room before I can enter. Is this discrimination? Because I feel segregated and different. It's affecting my mental health. 
Thanks for listening I just wanted to clear this up.
PS. The girls in my sport class aren't even attractive enough to look at.
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Posted at
I was on your side until your statement at the end of the girls not being attractive enough to look at. You're basically saying if they were hot you would be looking at them like pieces of meat, proving their point. 


Link • Jun 23, 2016
What a load of shit.


Anne C • Jun 13, 2016
I don't believe gay or bisexual people are attracted to me and I am straight. Don't generalize.


Nini • Jun 13, 2016
I didn't see anything wrong with the comment. Straight people are so narcissistic that they genuinely believe all gay or bisexual people are attracted to them. It's super annoying.


Posted at
I would report that teacher to the head teacher that is discriminating at its worst how disgusting 


Posted at
For those that are getting defensive over the PS statement, let's break it down. A lot of heterosexual people think that as soon as a person of the same sex as them implies that they are attracted to there own gender (as well as possibly others) they get really squeamish and start to think that this person will be attracted to them. This isn't the case. Anyone who is attracted to their own gender (as well as possibly others) does not experience sexual attraction towards every person that's the same gender as themselves. Heteros need to acknowledge this, and acknowledge the frustration homosexual, bisexual, polysexual, pansexual experience with this kind of mentality. Because sexual minorities face a lot of BS from heteros that believe that every sexual minority person is attracted towards them. 


LO • Jun 21, 2016


Nene • Jun 13, 2016
I see where you're coming from but my issue with your logic is that same applies to the opposite sex. For example, not all men are automatically attracted to all other women, but I think you would agree that most women would still be uncomfortable sharing changing rooms with men...


J • Jun 12, 2016
Lol I agree Im straight and I find it funny when people react like that. How modest of you to believe another woman would automatically want a piece of you😂


Posted at
WTF!? Okay first of all, good for you for coming out and not being afraid of being yourself at such a young age. That is amazing! And you should be proud of yourself for that. Second, fuck them! That is NOT okay! You need to report this to the principal or better yet....the superintendent!!! And please please tell your parents about this. Something needs to be done. What they are doing is 100% discrimination and homophobia. As for those other girls that claimed they were "uncomfortable" around you...they can shove it up their prissy little asses. 😡😡 I'm sorry this has happened to you. 


Posted at
Ugh that's awful😞 def tell the principle. It's not like you're sitting there gawking at females as they change 


Posted at
My locker neighbor in HS was gay and it never bothered me one bit. She was rad and my friend and she never made a pass at any of the girls because changing for PE isn't sexual in any fucking way. You are being forced to change elsewhere because of their prejudice. It is discrimination.


Posted at
That is very illegal. 


Posted at
That's definitely discrimination! You need to report it to the school! And Tell those girls not to flatter themselves. 👊🏽 I'm bisexual too but that doesn't mean I'm checking out every girl I see smh


Posted at
Guys calm down, I wrote the post.The PS statement was a bit of humour to break the tension since you women can get feisty in this corner. 


Posted at
I think she was right I mean that's why they don't let the boys and girls all change in one .