Do I need to alert him that if relationship goals aren't met in a certain amount of time I can't stick around and wait?

We've been together for 5 and a half years and and if by year 9 we aren't at least engaged I can't sit and wait.

Marriage is complicated with him, his mother cheated on his father all 30 years of marriage so he is skeptical of it.

Yet at the same time he says he would like to be married but doesn't plan on being any time soon.

I would like to be married before having kids and I'm 27.... So in four years I'll be 30 and I would like multiple children about 4 years apart.

I don't really want to say, "give me a ring in the next few years or we are over," because I feel like it would be a shut-the-f-up ring, and I don't want to pressure him into it.

Maybe I am over thinking this.

He seems willing to knock me up, but not to marry me. It is a hassle to get him to wear protection.

I love him I really do. I just need more of a commitment before having his kids and I feel like I'm running out of time...

Do I tell him?

Should I change my values about kids before marriage?

Should I forget the whole thing?

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