Strollers & car seats!

I'm Trying to decide on what travel system to purchase. I had my mind set on the Uppababy Vista but now I'm thinking its a bit to expensive & I wanna get more options on other brands that are a more reasonable price. 
I want something light & easy to open & close. 
Let me know what you got & why you like it!? 
Thanks in advance! :) 
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I got the Uppababy vista and am so in love with it!!! We tested it out along with so many others and it hit everything we wanted. Definitely pricey but well worth it in my opinion. If you have Amazon prime and create a registry you will get a 15% off coupon around your due date( I lied and put my due date as a few months before the actual date). We used that for the stroller and car seat so it saved us a few hundred.


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I got the Uppababy Cruz w/ Uppababy car seat and bassinet.  I wanted the vista also BUT couldn't see myself spending an extra $150 and not knowing if I'd ever use the 2nd seat option.  The Cruz is exactly the same but a single stroller, weighs less, and the wheels in the back don't protrude as much.  I haven't used mine yet as baby isn't here but I've heard nothing but amazing things about it.  I got the Taylor indigo fashion.  


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We went with the Nuna Pipa carseat and Nuna Tavo stroller! Super excited about both... oh also got a BOB jogging stroller for the spring!


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Ickle bubba stomp v2 all in one