Trusting a tinder guy 😩 (this is long)

So about 4 months ago I matched with this guy on tinder. I agreed to go on a date with this guy.
(He was the only guy off tinder that didn't want to trade pics... True love right?) 
So we plan to meet at the mall between us and bad news. His car broke down at work so he was a no call no show. So I was in a cute sun dress, hour from home and left all alone at the mall. 
I gave the boy another chance and the date went "good". He paid for diner and I paid for Starbucks, we made out on the hud of my car for an hour and we went are sepret ways. 
Jumping to present time we have only had that one date and have talked a lot, (FaceTime and calling, he hates texting) but he keeps blowing me off on meeting again. 
It's almost 12am and he just texted me. 
Apparently he was tarafide to tell me but he is going through some personal problems and is trying to get his shit together. He wants to start over and take things slow. 
Do I give this guy a chance? Like I'm at the point in my life where I have enough friends and I want to be in a good relashondhip. 
What do I do 🙈🙊