Had contractions for the past 2 days and didn't know

Jennifer • Excited to meet this little person

Had contractions for the past 2 days and didn't know. 3 am today the real deal hits, i still go about my day in denial because "we are only 34 w 6 d, its way too early". Kennedy was ready so after going to the vet and almost going to visit family we decided to take a trip to the hospital instead (the same hospital that told me when i called at 5 am to stay home, drink water and take a tylenol pm to rest).

We get into triage at 11:45 and after a little scare of babys HR dropping from 155 to 80, i finally see a dr who checks for dilation and informs us, while in shock, that im 9 1/2 cm dilated. After an hour of close contractions, 15 minutes of pushing and no meds, Kennedy made her entrance. She is a little under the weather but we are praying for a full recovery.