A clingy mom?

Michaela • 22!! future educator 💚🙋📖
This guy I've been dating lives with his mom as he's still I'm school finishing his masters program. He's going to be 24 soon.. anyways, I'm feeling uncertain about his mom. She calls him like 4 times a day if I'm with him. I also heard her over the phone when I stopped by his house ( I wasn't even there I just drove there to drop off my car and to meet him so we could go on a date) I heard her say " she's here again.. wow.. what's she doing now... when is she leaving.. how long has she been there.. 😥. Yesterday, I was on the phone with him and she was listening in and giving advice ( I'm getting a newer car) it's just awkward for me I feel like I have to distance myself from him already already so his mom doesn't bother us lol. It's awkward I'm 20 and his first relationship.. any advice or stories on how to deal or get over this lol