Husband on Prozac and I'm getting concerned...

We've been TTC now for almost a year now. Anyway, I've read online that Prozac not only hinders performance (which happens constantly with us which is very frustrating) but I read it also lowers sperm count. I've tried countlessly to get him to switch to this other medication that is better for TTC... But he tells me he will do it and then he doesn't. It's getting to the point that whenever we have sex and he doesn't come, which happens frequently, gets me to the point of tears. I just get so frustrated. I know it's not his fault, but he just won't listen to me when I tell him to switch over his meds. I know his well being comes first. But his counselor says this other antidepressant has much less of an effect on his sexual organs and sperm count. I don't know if he's afraid to but doesn't want to tell me, or if he just keeps telling me what I want to hear because he knows it will keep me happy. But I'm really starting to resent him for it. I mean, I'm tracking my ovulation to a T and putting so much effort into this and I feel like the one thing he can do about it he's just plain not doing it. I know he wants a baby too, but he doesn't seem willing to try. Or at least put half of the effort I do into it. Anyone else in a similar situation and have any advice? Or maybe have gotten pregnant while their partner was on SSRI antidepressants? 
Update: I just tried to talk to him about it, again, and he straight up told me to shut up about it... 😕