
So me and my SO we're together for almost 7 months and summer time hit and we are both in high school( me a freshman and him a junior) and the second day of summer his phone breaks and I went above and beyond to try and get ahold of him and haven't talked to him for almost 3 weeks now!!! So I txt one of his friends to see if they had talked lately and he said ya just yesterday but he's really pissing me off and I say don't worry me too and I come to find out that my SO has been lying to me our entire relationship about quiting weed and also started doing shrooms and pills and then quites his job and goes to his dad for money and blows all of it so he stops giving him money so then he goes to his friend and his friends parents for some and doesn't even offer to give some back!!! I am so fed up and pissed off right now I can't even explain!!! And not only does he lie about drugs but that he "hates" his job so much even though he hits on all the girls and he talks about doing three somes with them... Like seriously!!And the thing that sucks the most is that he doesn't even know we are done since he can't learn to use money for a good reason and buy himself a new phone!!! Sorry for such a long rant but I need to let it out. Please feel free to comment