She's here! Birthing story kinda long pics included

FTM working out while pregnant up until I couldn't no more really helped! My drs appointment was June 7th my dr checked for dilation I was 2cm and 80% thinned out then I believe she stripped my membrane without me knowing she just said I'm going to help move things along a bit then I felt cramping. Went into work and the back cramps I usually have for a couple of mins at night was occurring all day. Went home from work ate took a hot shower to relieve the soreness of my back and got comfy on the couch to watch some TV while hubby was about to go to sleep around 10:30pm I got a sharp back pain that wasn't like any other because I slid off the couch to my knees! At first the timing was sporadic but then after 30mins it was every 10 mins I told hubby pack up the car it's time to go! While he was doing that while contracting I lost my mucus plug and had my bloody show my hospital is 30 mins away so we got there a little after 11:30pm after getting my hospital gown own water broke dr said I was 6cm and that I'll be having her soon! Labored for 3 1/2 hours then got epideral didn't want them telling me too late so by 6:41am Sol Li Ferrell arrived 5lbs 6oz 19 1/2 inches long