Formula exchange question


I was given formula at my baby shower in March. I delivered on may 4th, and breast feed for a month until my supply dropped. I then switched to the formula I was given at the baby shower, Enfamil. However after about a can and a half I had to switch to soy formula. I now I have 10 cans of regular Enfamil and don't know what to do with. I went to walmart to exchange them I told them it was from my baby shower ect. They would not let me do an exchange because the cans do not have bar codes on them. Walmart told me they must have been bought by the case, and since they do not sell them by the case they couldn't exchange although they sell the product in the store.

So my question is does anyone know where I can exchange them although the cans do not have bar codes? Seeing as it is about 200 $ worth of formula, it would help tremendously if I could exchange them rather then donating them