The happiest day of my life

Baby Belle was born at 5:59am at 30 weeks 1 day.  It was nothing like what I expected. On Friday I felt a lot of pressure in my pelvis and back but just  shook it off as the baby being low. On Saturday the pressure turned to pained but felt more like gas so again I just brushed it off. I slept on and off all day due to the discomfort, around 7:30pm my SO went to get dinner. At 7:55pm while laying in bed, I felt a huge gush of water. I jumped out of bed, called him and cleaned up. We headed for the hospital. After being admitted, I was checked, I was 4cm dilated and 90% effaced. My contractions were about 2 minutes apart. The pained turned to pressure and my back was killing. Once I got my epidural, I was fine. The nurse came in to adjust his heart monitor. After not being able to find his heart beat the charge nurse was called in. She was able to find it instantly, but it was literally on my privates. She said he's in the birth canal he's coming now. At 5:40am I was told to start pushing and at 5:59am he was laying on my chest. He was whisked away to the NICU but is doing very well.