EBF and baby not gaining enough

I EBF and my LO isn't gaining enough weight. He is 6 weeks old and only 8 pounds 8 ounces and his birthweight was 7 pounds 6 ounces. My pediatrician is wanting me to supplement with formula and I don't want to. I saw an LC and she said my supply isn't low it's just that my LO works so hard to get it that he burns as many calories as he takes in. She helped get a better latch which he was latching before but I didn't know he was working hard. He isn't fussy at all and never cries so there is no indication that he is not getting enough. Has anyone else had this problem? I feel horrible knowing that the latch is my fault. We just changed it up and are getting weighed in a few days so hopefully there is an increase. He only gains 4-5 ounces a week.