Struggling with adjusting to pregnancy

Is anyone else struggling to adjust to being pregnant? I know this seems small and selfish to some, so if you don't agree just keep scrolling. I am having trouble with not being able to live my life like my other twenty something friends. They are always inviting me to concerts and I don't want to go  since I can't drink. I am in no way an alcoholic, I just loved going to concerts and having a couple beers. I'm from the country, and we love going fishing, to the lake, and riding with a couple beers. Now I can't have that and I am having trouble adjusting. We are so so excited for this baby, and I feel awful even thinking this way, but it is really bothering me. I feel like this is going to be the longest 7 months ever. It doesn't help that none of my friends are even married or thinking about kids. I just feel like my friends are on a different level than me now. Oh well, in 7 months, we will have a precious baby to love on.