Appointment with the Consultant...what can I expect?

Ok, so I have been referred by my GP to see a fertility consultant at the hospital. 
When I was 8 I had a ruptured appendix and was quite poorly with it. I (and my family) weren't told st the time that it can cause fertility issues. The GP told us that it can cause scarred/blocked tubes. In our area you are supposed to wait for at least 2 years before being referred to the hospital. We've only been trying around a year but she said she'd refer us anyway. We got our appointment through for later this month.  The GP has already done blood tests on me-they came back fine. My husband had to provide a sample but we haven't had the results back from that yet. 
Has anyone been through something similar? 
What can we expect on this first appointment?
Sorry for all the questions, I'm just really nervous.