I'm just over it...

I am seriously over pregnancy. I live in western Florida and everyone should know we've been hit with quite the storm cycle the last week or so. The humidity is so high. The heat is so high. My AC is crap. I feel like an over weight dog that can't manage to keep itself cool. On top of all of that I've been just in such a groggy mood as well. I'm SOO ready for this kid to come out. I'm 34w3d and I. Just. Want. Him. Out. I'm sick of everyone telling me "oh hunny you need to keep him in until at least 38 weeks!" LIKE NO BITCH IM DONE. HES A COW. AND JUST LET ME SAY AND VENT TO YOU THAT I WANT HIM OUT. dang. Plus all of the "oh you will miss this." But then I get the "oh the final stretch is the worst part..." SO IF YOU KNOW THAT, WHY ARE YOU SCOLDING ME WHEN I SAY I AM DONE!?!?! I mean for 14 and a half weeks he has been measuring 2.5 weeks ahead. So I'm not going to lie to you ladies. I'm walking.  A TON. I'm also bouncing on my exercise ball. A TON. I'm eating raw pineapple like its the last thing on this planet. I'm also having sex like never before. THIS KID WILL BE OUT SOON. Not before June 25th, because that's my shower and I need some of that stuff... Lol 
I'm sorry ladies, this was just a little bit of a rant. I needed to get all of this out.