Ammonia smelly discharge

Hi ladies, the past few days I've noticed my underwear have a very distinct ammonia smell! Should I be worried? Is anyone else experiencing this? 
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Posted at
Mine has been on and off like this for awhile. It's just from leaking urine and what not onto your underwear not the most pleasant smell either wear a pad or change undies freaquently 


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They told me it was nothing. Mine has been like that forever smelling like bleach. 


Ja • Jun 13, 2016
No problem. I was concerned also so I asked her she said that it was just discharge. Weird right? Why don't they tell you that can happen loo


Yvette • Jun 13, 2016
Went to the dr last night and they told me the same thing. They say when your bag breaks it smells like ammonia but they ran tests and it was a false alarm. Nothing to worry about! Thanks for your comment


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If I'm not mistaken tht would be urine


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Thanks everyone, I'm due in 10 days so I will probably call my Dr. First thing tomorrow to be safe. Appreciate your responses! 


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Urine has ammonia smell and your amniotic fluid will have no/sweet smell 


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i get thT sometimes... dr told me it was bladder leakage or urine thats very concentrated...


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Oh my gosh I have had the same thing! I have been wearing cloth liners and I assumed it had something to do with them.