A cop asked me for sex favor

Have you ever had a sexual experienced with a cop? I got pulled over to be honest i was surprised because i wasen't speeding..i used my signals and made every STOP completely, i am very anal when it comes to being careful while driving ect . A cop pulls me over and he asked where i was going and i asked him why was I being pulled over? Did i do something wrong? He looks at me with this smart look and says he can do what ever the fuck he wants, i am hispanic BTW! He could tell. I felt offended how he spoke to me, he then tells me if i don't want to get a speeding ticket that i should give him some sexual favor (oral) to be specific 😥😥😥😥😥😥😥 i was in shocked/scared/mad and i refused to do anything!! And he gave me a ticket. I have 1 unpaid ticket now this one idk what to do because i am afraid if i go to the police station or court and tell them what happened they wont believe me.. I havent told my mom or anyone else i just dont know WHAT TO DO! And is killing me!!! I cant believe a cop disrespected me that way and made me feel like a prostitute . I am scared that if i report him he will try to hurt me or my family.... Idk so many thoughts going on right now 💔💔.