Freemie collection cups review (in case u were curious)

👪 5/6/2016🚜👣

First off, I wanted to try these so bad but I wasn't sure I wanted to spend the $$ since I didn't know anyone who tried them. A friend who exclusively pumps gave them to me because she didn't like them. I however LOVE them. So I'll give the pros & cons from both of us.


*You can pump with your shirt on

*If you have to tend to your child you can just unhook & go & leave them in place

*Pumping while nursing simultaneously is a BREEZE!! it's not at all akward like it is with traditional horn style pump parts

*They sell adapter parts for most popular brands of pump (I have ameda)


*You have to sit upright, you can't lean forward or backward too much

*It's kind of hard to see how many oz you've collected

*Condensation collects on the sides of the collection cup so you can't see when you're milk is coming out cause it gets a little foggy

I was given these for free, but I would absolutely spend the $60 for them