Help Please!!

I know you aren't supposed to test until the day of your missed period but I really REALLY want to test on Father's Day. It would mean the world to my bf if he found out he was going to be a father on Father's Day. should I at least try a test? Here's my cycle. 

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We have the same cycle and I'm also waiting to test!! Was thinking to try on the 19th and then again in the 23 or 24 if AF hasn't come yet. Keep me posted! Also if you feel cramping or implantation bleeding, we may have those symptoms in the next week!


Kaitlyn • Jun 13, 2016
Fx and baby dust to you!!! 💖 You're the first person I've met with the same cycle as me 😊


Posted at
I have no patience and start testing at 6dpo so if you are stocked up go for it! Thats why I buy the strips in bulk on amazon


Kaitlyn • Jun 13, 2016
I usually go to Walmart and grab cartfulls of the $.88 ones!


Posted at
Its worth to try it. But dont lose your hopes if its a negative, cause it will be a bit early.. ;) Baby dust and best of luck hun!


Mari • Jun 13, 2016
❤️ Keep us updated!


Kaitlyn • Jun 13, 2016
Thank you! 💖😊


Posted at
Try, but know you may get a false negative. Good luck!


Kaitlyn • Jun 13, 2016
Thank you! 💖