I wonder.

So with "morning sickness" does it just hit you randomly or ?!?! Lol and does it come at any time of day not just mornings.
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Mine was all day everyday for the first 9 months with my son....my daughter is was until 6 months all day everyday. An it was whenever my body chose lol I wished it was just in the am lol


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Mine was all-day. Started one random morning when I was like 6 weeks along and then I felt nauseous every hour of every day for the next 4 or 5 weeks.


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Mine was all day sickness. In the morning I couldn't eat, by mid-day it was a bit better, then around 5pm I was sick again. 


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I never had it I have two children and was sick once in my first pregnancy and none in my second 


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When I first got morning sickness it came extremely random  I'd be fine one second the next my head was hung over the toilet over the weeks. Now that I am 20 weeks and 6 days I find get still have it and some days it worse then others  


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Mine were every morning till about 1-2 pm but yes they did come randomly 


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For me it was all day and night not just morning ☺😊