Discouraged already

I think I may have made a mistake by starting to read and post here when my husband and I haven't even started TTC just yet. I've read so many posts about all the difficulties, disappointments, and heartbreak people have endured over many months or even years of TTC, and it's now making me start to wonder if I'm strong enough to handle that. I know my husband would be able to handle it and he would be an excellent support for me, but at the same time I wonder if I should put him through that. We both can't wait to have children and he tells me regularly how much he looks forward to being a father. But if it's going to be that difficult of a journey and take us a long time to be successful, will we decide it's not going to happen and give up?
All around me on social media, I see pictures of new babies and pregnant women, and I see all the expectant moms at my work, and I get excited to try for our own. And then I talk to my friends who have struggled to conceive and read all the posts here, and I'm afraid.
I guess only time will tell how my TTC journey will go. I'll just have to try to keep from being discouraged until I know.
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Keep in mind that a lot of the posts here are about struggles TTC because the people who aren't struggling don't need to post here anymore. Once you're pregnant Glow encourages you to switch to a different app. Don't get discouraged before you even try, if it's something you really want you'll regret never even giving it a shot. You never know, it may wind up being easy for you.


Posted at
I understand where you are coming from completely! But don't get too excited! My husband have had our ups and down with this whole baby thing! I was off my birthcontrol for 2 months and he wasn't ready so I went back on for 3 months and now we are trying again. So good luck to you and husband! You will get through it if something were to happen. Gods blessings to you!


Posted at
The same thing happened to me I started on this app a few months ago knowing that this would be my first month trying, just to log my informatiom and get my fertile week and periods in sync and its already starting to make me worried and think omg it's going to take months maybe even years. Part of me wants to deactivate but Its good for tracking or just stay off of the community but I still go on


Posted at
Don't let it discourage you! My husband and I conceived the first cycle we tried, and I'm going to be induced tonight. Much of it has to do with what birth control you've been using up until ttc. I wasn't on the pill, so there was nothing that needed to clear my system. I used Glow to track carefully and bam! BFP my first test. Good luck to you... it'll all be worth it!


Posted at
I was getting discouraged reading a lot of the struggles people were having. But I'm now 6 weeks pregnant after 4 months of trying. Now I'm on glow nurture and don't come to the TTC board much. 


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This is the first day I've been on the forums for a LONG time. It used to frighten me seeing miscarriage stories etc and I thought, every pregnancy is different so I just have to let it do what it's going to do. Me and my fiance were lucky. When we started trying I told him I didn't want to focus on fertile days etc, just play it by ear and whatever happens happens. It took us a month and now I'm nearly 5 months pregnant. I always, always say to people to try and keep it relaxed and don't focus so much on fertile windows because every womans body is different. Good luck 🍀


Posted at
Try not to worry it will make the process longer and harder. I def try to stay off the glow forums alot. Once day maybe or every few days. Good luck aith your journey.