Still no baby

Stephanie • Hi I have a great husband that I have been married to for 14 years.we have two boys . We r trying to have number 3
It's been 3 years now so far and no baby. I feel like everyone around me is pregnant r just had a baby. It's so hard but I'm happy for those people it's just hard. On top of that my sister in law lives with us and she just had a baby 6 weeks ago. Thanks for letting me just say what's on my mind.. In gods time!
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Posted at
I completely understand that feeling. I'm about to be 33, been married and doing nothing to keep it from happening for almost 9 years :( try to keep hope.


Jessica • Jun 21, 2016
im 35 and been off birth control for 10 years. with the same person for 17 years


Posted at
I would suggest going to see a fertility specialist. There could several reasons why you are struggling to get pregnant. They can administer tests for you and your husband to determine if there are any issues that are causing this. If there are issues, they can help you map out a path to getting pregnant. If they don't find any issues, they can help make suggestions to increase the chances of becoming pregnant. Good luck! 


Posted at
Thank y'all .. I'm praying for y'all too!


Posted at
Have you tried fertility assistance or something? I'm not sure what's it's called but maybe talk to your doctor on next steps. Good luck


Stephanie • Jun 24, 2016
Thank you. I have tried that pill can't remember what it was called but I have been thinking about going back on it