My TTC journey


Below is my journey to my bfp...

I went off the pill in June 2015 after coming home from our honeymoon. I had my normal period that next week. It was another 54 days before I had a period again. My next cyle was 53 days long, followed by a 33 day long cycle. In the beginning of December I went to my gynecologist since it was over 40 days and still no period. He drew blood to run some tests, which all came back normal. He then prescribed me Provera to help jump start my period. I was told to come in 21 days after I started my period for blood work to see if I'm ovulating. I decided to wait and start the Provera on cd 54 if I didn't start naturally, which I didn't. I took my Provera each morning with my prenatal vitamins. My Provera symptoms were mainly just minor random cramps, nothing horrible.

Three days after my last pill, which would have been cd 63, I started my period. Yay...maybe not so "yay!" The cramps were bad! I usually cramp the morning of the first day, maybe the first 2 days. I cramped all day for the first 4 days. My flow was pretty light for me. I never filled a tampon, even the regular ones. My period was 7 days long, which is long for me, but with it being light, I guess it took longer to get it all out. Then I waited, and tried to have lots of sex. On CD 20 I went in for my progesterone check, more waiting for the results. The results came back a few days later, my levels were 0.3, so I didn't ovulate. I cried for a good 30 minutes, then moved on and tried to stay positive. Then I just had to wait for my period to start so I could start Clomid.

It took another round (started on CD 35) of Provera to start my period...ugh, more waiting! I took my last Provera pill on CD 44 and just waited for my period. Like clockwork my period started 3 days later on what would be CD 47. Once again the cramps were awful in the beginning. I took Clomid days 3-7. My 21 day bloodwork showed that I didn't ovulate and my level was 0.4. Another devastating blow!

I waited until CD 42 to start Provera...again. More waiting, more stress, and more stress about trying to not stress. I started my period on what would have been CD 56. Started Clomid 100 mg on day 3. On day 17 of my cycle I had horrible back pains and cramps, I had my fingers crossed the pains were from ovulation. I went in for bloodwork once again on CD 21, and my numbers actually lowered to 0.3. I decided to wait until I started my own period to start Clomid 150 mg. My doctor's plan was to try 150 mg for 3 months before referring me to a specialist. I knew it could be awhile before I started my period on my own. On CD 61 is had brown spotting and was so excited to start my period and start Clomid. The spotting only lasted for a couple of hours. On CD 63 I was curious, so I took a pregnancy test. Since my cycles are so long I take one every couple of weeks. I couldn't believe it was positive!

Two more tests, and I'm for sure pregnant. It's crazy that Clomid didn't work, yet my body ovulated later on its own. We were just having sex whenever we wanted to. I'm so thankful to be expecting our first baby February 2017. Many blesses and good luck to you all.