TMI (PIC) I think I finally miscarried

At about 3:45am (20 minutes ago) I woke up and felt as though I had to go dhiarrea again, and as soon as I stood up I felt my uterus emptying itself out. Thankfully I had a pad on. The sad thing is I slept on the couch because hubby and I had a disagreement before bed (I know, don't go to bet angry). I think it was better this way though, as I haven't woken him up, and am able to deal with this. I haven't cried, but instead praised God. I am scheduled for a D&C Thursday (tomorrow technically, since today is Wednesday), and really didn't want one. However, I didn't have any cramping, contractions, etc. I feel uncomfortable (back pain, mild cramps) but not what I was expecting. I have attached a pic. The bleeding has let up (I'm still on the toilet). Do you think this is "it"? The baby reabsorbed into my uterus walls per my last u/s, so maybe that's why it was "easier" if so?