SO pressuring me

So we had a talk last week about our future and he signed up to go back to school and he is pressuring me go sign up to but I don't know what I want to do. We moved into his mothers ( something which I wasn't even consulted just told pretty much) because she wants us to go back and do something with our lives. Well now that I'm pregnant I don't know if I want to get in the groove of college just to have to take a year break after having the baby. I think I would be better off just waiting and going conscutively with no breaks between semesters. And he just keeps hounding me aboutbit. Talking me at least he's doing something to better our babies life. Honestly I'm at the point where I don't know if I even want to be with him. He drives me crazy and is constantly getting in my nerves. He is 28 and we live at his moms? Wtf? Idk of its just hormones or what but just need some help on what to do