Another miscarriage

Hi lovely ladies.
 So I'm going through my 2nd miscarriage in 7 months. I had a missed miscarriage at 9w4d in November. I went to the scan and the nurse was really quiet for ages and then said your baby doesn't have a heartbeat. My heart sunk and my world fell apart. We have been trying ever since and I got my BFP on 30th May 2016 today I should be 6w6d but on Tuesday I started to bleed and have period like cramps. I went A&E yesterday because the bleeding was heavy like a period. Anyway they tested my urine and said the pregnancy test was negative so refused to scan me, they did bloods and it came back I have hcg at 36 (very low) so I have to go for more blood work on Friday and a scan to make sure everything has passed. I've been told they will investigate it with test to see why, and what I'm lacking. So fingers crossed the next time I get pregnant it will be successful. I wish all you ladies all the luck in the world. It may seem like the world has stopped turning but I feel there is light at the end of the tunnel so do not give up! We WILL have a beautiful baby one day, don't give up hope ❤️