Work colleagues think its ok to touch my belly..

Tsaf • 38 and baby number one is here! and she is amazing!
Any body else have that? I am 16 weeks but started to show earlier and told my boss at 12 weeks. This is my first baby and I am over weight and sensitive about it.. For the last two weeks at work people just "go there". Touch my belly as they feel like.. and also remark on it!.. "oh, you are "only" 15 weeks?! You probably have extra amniotic fluid"... I don't have extra amniotic fluid! 😞 "This is firm. you can feel it is a pregnant belly".. I work there for 6 years now so it's not like they don't know me and don't know .. I heard it happening in other (warmer) countries but I live in the Netherlands! Personal space is very important here! I don't know what is it with pregnancy and babies that makes people behave differently! What are your experiences?