I took a break last year (Im coming up on year 4 ttc and after 2 years of bbts opks and nothing....we decided to "relax and let it happen" like oh so many ppl advise you to do when they dont know what else to say lol. Anyways that didnt work so this clomid cycle 1 taken cd2-6 it shows i took it cd 1 but thats wrong, i have super irregular cycles and long cycles like 40 days,)

My question is

..does this look ok so far, does it look ok for before ovulation? And for clomid ladies when can i expect to ovulate, or does it depend on person....not the clomid? THANKS in advance. JUST WORRIED ITS NOT GONNA WORK i had lots of tingling in my left ovary (lil bit in the right too) but havent had any sensations since about 2 days after my last dose so now im scared it wasnt a high enough dose or that it started to work but my body didnt get the memo and stopped growing the follicle.....AM I JUST WORRIED FOR NOTHING (like the follicle is still maturing even tho i cant feel it and ill have strong o pains) OR SHOULD MY OVARY STILL BE TINGLING UP TO OVULATION