31 weeks and dilated 2cm

Candace • Full time wife and mama
So, i went into triage about 6 days ago cause I was getting contractions every 2-3 minutes. I tested negative for preterm labor. They told me I wasn't gonna have the baby within 2 weeks. But when they checked me I was 2 cm dilated! I remember when I was pregnant w/ baby #2. I went in for constant contractions at 32 weeks..was barely starting to dilate and tested positive for preterm labor...I'm relieved I tested negative and the contractions were stopped but has anyone else dilated early without testing positive for preterm later? Isn't it too soon for me to be dilating? I know I can be at 2-3cm for weeks but it just seems too soon! Lol. My last 2 pregnancies I didn’t dilate until about 35 or 36 weeks.