Might not make it.

Carissa • 34, Married, 3 beautiful girls.

I went to the doctor today due to some spotting I've been having the past few days. They did a quick ultrasound on me. Only measuring around 5 weeks even though I'm supposed to be 7 weeks 4 days and the couldn't get a heartbeat. They are calling it a threatened abortion.

I have to go back next week for another scan. I'm hoping my little one will make it but I have a really bad feeling about this. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. A week is a long time to wait around for answers.

***UPDATE*** JUNE 19

Sitting in the Emergency room right now waiting on ultrasound. Bleeding and cramps have gotten worse and I'm pretty sure I already passed my gestational sac. It's beyond cruel to have a miscarriage on Father's Day.