Mutiny of the Hormones😖💪💪

fazak • Start each day with a Hello, you might never know how many lives you touch with that simple word👀
It's bad enough we have to deal with this madness on a monthly basis😫. Last month, I was hit with a new curve ball🤔 of unexpected symptoms on top of my usual migraines that become more frequent the closer I am to getting my period. All of a sudden I started getting frequent hypoglycaemic attacks🙈. Now I do get hypoglycaemic but not as frequent as it was happening last month and that's when the alarm bells started going off & I finally concluded it was my damn hormones😖. And wouldn't you know it😒. After my cycle, no more attacks💪.
This month, instead of low blood sugar, I've been hit with nausea and vomiting. I can't keep anything down at all. And now that my period has started am having a runny tummy. All I can do now is eat small bites  and drink slowly to avoid any migraines & keep up my electrolytes so I don't dehydrate. 
It really does suck when your body decides to mutiny against you😫