Measuring at 7w 2d: no fetal pole :(

So I had my ultra sound recently and the sonographer found gestational sac and a yolk sac. I was told it may be a non viable pregnancy:( Aside from that I haven't really experienced any miscarriage symptoms, it's only just today that I've felt "empty" and my symptoms have subsiding. Trying to be hopeful but also need closure! Praying for now...
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That happens to me few mths ago I also wasn't having any symptoms of a Mc .my dr suggested for me to get these two shots in my hip to help with the Mc .it was sad but a good discussion and now I'm prego 8wks. Sometime are body's just know when it's not the best time . Don't loose hope it will happen


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I came in at 6w 2d since my LMP and hcg lvl of 10,000. They did not see the baby, just the gest sack. The tech was pretty rude and seemed in a hurry, and she didn't even give us any hope. Two weeks later we went to a different ultrasound place. There it was!! Measuring 7 w 5 d, strong heartbeat :) There is hope, I believe!:)Go get your blood drawn to check hcg levels - that helped me a lot not to go crazy!


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I had my 1st appt. yesterday and was told the same thing but they also told me to come back in 2 weeks to see if any changes. I'm so nerves and anxious but everyone is different so I've been praying and keeping my fingers crossed. Keep your faith and wishing you and yours the best! Please keep me updated because I'm  7 weeks and 3 days


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Thanks Amy! Congrats! Wish you all the best this pregnancy 😘