Scared to test

I'm in tears debating what to do. If I tell my husband I'm late and we need to test and it's negative idk if I could handle that right now or put him through that the day before fathers day. But I've never been 5 days late since they became regular 29-31 day cycles. I'm going on cycle day 36. If I am I would love to celebrate for fathers day. My sister told me yesterday she was pregnant just found out and now I feel like she jinxed it for me. It's been over a year ttc and we just had our baby taken back. We were supposed to adopt from a friend we had her for 5 months and then her bio mom changed her mind and now the bio dad is involved he didn't know and his family didn't know about her. So we lost her. I want to have a baby so badly that I feel like it won't happen. My friend was supposed to bring me a test to take with fmu and she bailed on me and my husband has the car at work so I couldn't get to the store. What to do.... I know I have to test eventually... I need an answer yes or no either way