9+3 and found my baby with my Doppler for the first time! πŸ’•πŸ˜Š

Rebecca β€’ 36yrs old, pregnant with my first and my SO's 3rd πŸ’•πŸ’«
Am so excited, after a week of on and off trying (I realise I was trying very early!) I found my baby on my Doppler this morning! Hiding just above my hair line and slightly to the right of my belly button as I look down, beating at a fab 175bpm which looks to be bang on! The Doppler was having a hard time registering a sensible bpm so I counted it out. I also sent the recording to my bestie who is a midwife and she said 100% that it was my little bambino! Love the fact I have heard him or her as I don't get my first scan till 12+5 and this has set my mind at rest that everything is progressing nicely. 😊  I managed to pick it up first thing in the morning before I peed, I managed to get it a second time immediately after I peed but when I investigated after being up for a while and having shower etc baby had gone back into hibernation mode, I'm not worried though as finding it was pretty much a fluke and I'm just happy to have heard it at all! Also toilet you all know even a light movement in the Doppler (literally tilting not even moving) meant I lost the sound of the HB, so for any ladies panicking please remember at this early stage it is pretty much like looking for a needle in a haystack, my baby is only the size of an olive so it's heart must be teeny tiny! Xxx 
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Which Doppler do you have?


Rebecca β€’ Jun 18, 2016
This one: ANAPULSE Professional Baby Fetal Doppler Heart Monitor 3Mhz Backlit LCD Display + 250ml Ultrasound Gel (Blue) I ordered it off of Amazon.co.uk xx