Antepartum Depression At 39 weeks?

Jessizu • I wear lots of hats.

Any other June mamas not feeling emotionally okay?.. Ive noticed this past week my anxiety and depression had silently crawled back up with a vengence... Is it hormones?

I have anxiety about my family and how to handel them when baby gets here.. I hate confrontation and my family really doesn't care about my feelings about visitors in the hospital.. My mom and dad hate each other and have been divorced 6 years but will not put their differences aside and throw me in the middle of their cluster fuckery.. My mom is the worst right now and its spreading my pregnancy on facebook when we didn't announce for a lot of reasons and now she's saying she didn't know... She does have borderline personality disorder with classified narcissism.. She refused treatment duo she's a terror to be around... My aunt is hounding me and guilt tripping me into her wanting to me in the laboring suite and thinks she deserves to just because she gave us the biggest gifts... I'm so stressed over this... I just want it to be me and my husband for birth and a few hours after just to be a family... Its been a hard 18 months from our still born last year to the high risk pregnancy this year that had me in bedrest for 14 weeks.. I feel line i deserve this time with my husband to just cry and bond with our son..

I can't sleep at night... I hardly eat during the day.. I stopped answering the phone to people.. I just want to be alone or with my husband.. I don't find joy in things or find anything amusing or funny..

Do i need to talk to someone about this or its this common hormone changes before birth? Will i have PPD because of these feelings now?

I'm just very sad..