It's been 3 Years...

My husband and I have been TTC for 3 years while dealing with my severe endometriosis  and we had 1 failed <a href="">IVF</a> attempt. I started acupuncture to heal my body from the <a href="">IVF</a> drugs because they took a toll on me. I have only been doing acupuncture for a little over 2 months when today I noticed my period was 3 days late. I didn't think much of it except I should take a test just to be safe and today the day before Father's Day I just gave my husband the great gift ever!!!! That's a BFP!!!!!! I can't stop crying I am so excited!!! Now I have to go to my obgyn early to be tested because I am high risk for a topic due to the scaring on my tubes but still it's a miracle!! Please don't lose hope girls!!