
April • Registered nurse, mother and wife. Trying for #3 for 6.5 years. Visit for all your bath relaxation needs!
It is 10 am. My son finally decided to sleep past 7. So, I am sleeping at 930 and my husband comes in and says I'm going to town. I can't sleep all day like you. The problem is, he always finds a reason to leave in the morning on weekends. It is really irritating. I barely see him during the week. He works then comes home, eats, sits on the couch, plays on his phone, and falls asleep. I feel like we don't ever get time anymore and I've talked to him about it but he doesn't feel like it's a big deal. I feel like he would want us to all go to town and he could have woken me up nicer to go with. Plus, he's going to get himself breakfast. Hope he enjoys it. Anyway, just needed to vent.