Morning sickness/all day long sickness.

Katelyn • • 👼🏼 1/21/16 • 🌈 1/19/17 • 👼🏼 2/17/18 • 👼🏼5/24/18 • 🌈 3/19/19 • “The pain that you’ve been feeling, can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.” Romans 8:18
It's the crappiest, most wonderful thing. I'm currently 7 weeks and 1 day and this has been going on since about 5 weeks.. However, it seems to be getting worse now! Oh how I love it and hate it lol! I have to appreciate it, because I've heard morning sickness means a strong baby!! I didn't get this my first pregnancy that heartbreakingly ended in MC, so I'm hoping it's true for my rainbow baby!!! ❤️🌈👶🏽 anyone else feeling it too?