What should i ask for to help get pregnant?

Hey everyone. My husband and I have been trying for over a year now. I called my gyno who is also specialized in fertility stuff. Due to insurance I had to say it was an annual. I will be asking after my pap smear how i can get pregnant. Is there any drugs or anything i should ask for or about. The only one ive heard of is clomid. I am really nervous. I know i have a tilted uterus and possibly a thick lining but i have no clue why im not getting pregnant. Any tips or advice would ve so appreciated. Everytime ive gone before they have told me i would not have any problems getting pregnant so I am clueless as to what to try. We have charted temps, used preseed, calculated ovulation, done it every other day, stopped trying, diff positions, holding my stuff up for 15 mins after sex, etc... please help me