Sleeping arrangements... With baby

Okay so my son is a month old now or a little over. I'm on maternity leave and even when I do go back to work I typically work three 12 to 14 hour shifts every weekend. My parents or his parents will take the baby when I work on weekends unless they want me to drop him off at 4:30 in the morning and wake my ten year old those mornings also at that time. They both agreed it would be easier to just keep him every weekend while I work and my husband works also. During the weeks though I have them both as unusually do. My husband works a lot and since the baby was born I've been sleeping downstairs on the couch and putting the baby in the lifted part of the playpen. Has a changing table etc in it ... It's nice. I wanted to be next to the kitchen initially so it worked out for us at first and my husband sleeps upstairs. Well it's getting to the point that we definitely miss sleeping next to each other. He set up the crib and changing table in our bedroom and basically said for me to do what I want with the arrangements but I'm afraid if we officially move into the bedroom (baby and me) he's going to be kept up every night when I take care of the baby around him.  Does anyone have any ideas on how I can manage to start using the crib in our room and actually sleep next to my hubby and get up through the night to care for the baby without waking my hubby too much? Sounds like a dumb question but I can't sleep on the couch forever and we miss each other. But I do NOT want him losing sleep every night. The baby sleeps erratically. Some nights he sleeps 4 or 5 hours straight and others he is up every two hours all night. Any ideas?  Thanks ahead of time!! 
And please no comments about making him deal with the noise because it's his baby too etc. he works very hard and deserves to sleep well. When I go back to work I will be able to sleep well on those nights also. We both have physically demanding jobs. Thanks!