I just can't do this anymore

I need to vent this out. Our LO is almost 7 weeks and we have been dealing with a super fussy baby for about 3 1/2 weeks straight now. She cries for hours and won't eat or sleep at all during the day. It takes me about an hour to get her to eat, then an hour to hour and half to nap if at all, then she'll sleep just long enough for me to pump and then I'm back at it again. I just feel like I can't do this anymore. My SO works during the week and then helps on the weekends, but he can only take a few hours of her crying before he needs a break. The doctors have started her on Zantac for reflux and switched us to a soy formula. We have done gas drops and gripe water and every other soothing method under the sun. She will sleep in the car but is awake the minute we get back home. I'm seriously tempted to get an RV and just drive around for the next few weeks or months. I'm kidding, sort of. I'm starting to hate being a mother and I feel so incredibly guilty for feeling like that. I just can't keep up like this, and I don't know what to do anymore.